Look at Time Updates: Wait for it (to load)!

2 min readJul 3, 2022

Here are the newest updates to lookattime.com, an interactive timeline to learn and teach history.

What’s new?

Create dialog will now wait for the upload to finish

When creating or editing a time event, you will now see a loading circle on the submit button and the dialog won’t disappear until the event and its images have successfully been uploaded. Currently, you can upload only one image, but we will soon remove this limitation! 🖼️🖼️🖼️

When editing, existing images will be shown below the upload field and you can delete them by click.

A very slow example for you to admire the circle.

Title and text are now mandatory and we validate correctly! 🔍

The next time you create a time event, you will see better validation feedback as we corrected the validation rules for your input. We fixed a lot of other bugs related to all various areas such as hiding and showing time markers.

Form fields will now correctly validate your input.

What is Look at Time?

Look at time is tool made to visualize events in time. It is made for teachers, students and everyone who seeks to sort and present historic events. Start creating your first time event by clicking the big blue button in the bottom-right corner. After you have created your second time event, you will probably get a feeling for how the timeline works as spinning your mouse wheel will let you zoom in and out of the timeline.

